Have you ever thought that there is a connection between sexuality and horror movies? What is the key in capturing the viewers' attention? Well sex combined violence. And horror movies are almost always about sexuality even though it is very obvious or subtle. Sex and horror became almost inseparably. You know the classic scenes where a naked woman gets killed in the shower, or the women who get raped by monsters in order to continue their species, the slasher films in which women who are very proud of their sexuality are seen as deserving to die (an example are cheerleaders), sexual domination often evocated in horror movies and so on. Even Frankenstein, who is seen as a threat to the male animal's sexuality.
The classic examples of sexuality in horror movies are the Vampire stories. They are aroused by beautiful women, but they only want to drink their blood. There is also a subgenre to this type of movie, the so called lesbian vampire stories in which their sexuality is explored to its maximum.
In horror movies appears also the voyeuristic intentions. And there is just one small step from this to pornography. Horror and sexuality are both taboo subjects for adults to talk to in front of children. However all humans have certain needs and erotic dreams, some dream about making love with the loved one on a beach while the sun sets, some to have intercourse with strangers on the kitchen table and others who fantasize about being strangulated while having sex. It is said that before dying from strangulation one has an orgasm like never experienced before, so this could make a very good plot for a horror erotic movie who wants to explore sexuality.
Sexuality is also used in some horror movies in the form of binding the heroes before the big confrontation or at the end of it, as a reward for surviving through it. Here we can find sexuality in its perfect shape; everything goes right in these types of sex scenes.
Some other scenes related to sexuality are those in which the heroine walks around naked through her house and the killer is inside, playing with her mind, calling her, whispering to her (talking about Hitchcock's Phycho movie who used this recipe for the first time back in the 60's), others are crimes who happen in strip clubs. Talking about sexuality! Even the moment when the killer is about to murder his victim and immobilizes it while whispering or touching her neck is full with sexuality.
Another recipe for a good horror movie is using the characters' sexuality to kill the bad guy. A heroine seduces a killer in order to destroy him. Teenagers who explore their sexuality and end up being punished by forces of nature for doing this, sexual repression, the striving for self acceptance after being abused by psychos are all scenarios for horror movies. All the characters like Vampires or slashers are using the same motive. They show what consequences decadence could have. It's all about sexuality in the end. Sex and horror do mix, and they mix very well. These are the two things that are included in everyone's subconscious and little of them talk openly about it. The scenarists that create horror movies found the soft spot and in order to obtain a successful movie it takes two: terror and sexuality. And, of course, an inspired plot.
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